“Room” (2015) is a deeply emotional drama directed by Lenny Abrahamson, based on Emma Donoghue’s novel of the same name. The film stars Brie Larson as Joy (“Ma”) and Jacob Tremblay as her five-year-old son, Jack, who live in a small, windowless shed they call “Room.”
Joy was abducted as a teenager and has been held captive for seven years by a man they call “Old Nick.” Despite their harrowing circumstances, she creates a nurturing environment for Jack, who knows nothing of the outside world and believes “Room” is the entire universe.
As Jack grows older, Joy decides it’s time to escape. She devises a daring plan, relying on Jack to be her hero.
The second half of the film explores their transition to freedom and the challenges of reintegrating into the outside world. Jack discovers the vastness of reality, while Joy grapples with trauma and the difficulty of reclaiming her life.
“Room” is a powerful story of resilience, love, and the unbreakable bond between a mother and child. Brie Larson’s performance earned her an Academy Award for Best Actress, while Jacob Tremblay’s portrayal of Jack captivated audiences worldwide.